Many doulas have a practice of gifting their clients something as they end their time together. Others don’t do this at all. Over the years as a practicing doula, I have oscillated from providing a little parting gift for my clients to not gifting anything at all. Going back and forth on this practice every so often, I have consistently gifted “On the Day You Were Born” by Debbie Frasier, “The First 1000 Days – A Baby Journal” by one of my favorite artists, Nikki McClure and “Pat the Bunny” by Dorothy Kumhardt.
In the age of Marie Kondo and her philosophy of KonMari and the Joy of Tidying Up, one can wonder are people more likely to want less “stuff” in their homes? Do they appreciate our little thank you gifts? Do they save it? Quickly pass it on? Treasure it?
Many DONA International doulas give something to every client, here are a few of their ideas.
Christa Joy Kirtland, CD(DONA) gifts her clients Lush brand shower bombs. Christa finds that the products contain many natural ingredients, are not too expensive and the bombs encourage self-care in her clients. She reports that her clients are surprised and excited to receive them and look forward to using them.

Diana Zacharin, CD(DONA), BDT(DONA), HBCE gifts a baby hooded towel with her doula business logo embroidered on it. Diana wants to give something they will use and enjoy. Its big enough so they can keep using it for a few years! The cost for the product is around $16, and she purchased them through an embroidery service company.
Hillary Melchiors, PhD, MPH, LCCE, CD(DONA) gifts her clients a burp cloth with her logo embroidered on it. It is something practical they will use for a long time, sometimes even after babies are grown, and Hillary likes giving them something useful. The cloths cost her around $7 each, and she has a local friend who makes them in her home embroidery business for her.
From a smart business sense, gifting clients a branded product that keeps your name in front of them would be a good idea. Something like a water bottle or a branded piece of clothing, or the towel or burp cloth above reminds them that you are still out there and maybe they would be more likely to make referrals. You can also consider gifting clients something they can use at their birth, providing it to them at the time they sign a contract and retain your services.
So here’s the question; do you gift your clients anything when you part ways? If so, what do you give and why? If not, why not? Let’s learn from one another.
I am from the Netherlands and I live in the USA. I give my birth and/or postpartum clients a little book from Miffy. (Miffy’s birthday, Miffy in the Zoo, Miffy’s bicycle……
All Dutch kids grew up with Miffy. It’s in rhyme and easy to read. The author was Dutch. All kids love it. We have books, toys, shirts and even a musea in Utrecht in the Netherlands with the history of Miffy. (we call her Nijntje). Actually she is unisex. The books are translated in 25 different languages.
I gift my clients a pocket-size timeline booklet with their baby’s footprints inside the cover page. Also, I print a postcard size quote of Christopher Robin to Pooh (“Promise me you’ll always remember: you are braver…”) to tape to their bathroom mirror or refrigerator. Priceless!
It is a great subject…..
I offer a meal cooked by a PP Doula. That way I nurture the family and introduce them to a PP Doula concept.
I brew an herbal tea for the mama after her birth. At the pp visit, I gift her with a box of the tea for her to make. I might give a high end dark chocolate or hand cream. It is a gift for mama and promotes some kind of self care.
I love the embroidered hooded towel idea!
I write a time line and a birth story–this may include any stories the family has told me about how they met (if the birthing person has a partner,) where they went to school, etc. as well as an objective narrative of their birth.
I write a story addressed to the baby about the day they were born which arrives in the mail. I make lactation cookies and a sitz bath mix to take to the hospital at the second pre natal visit.
I give a small baby toy wrapped in cellophane and ribbon with my business card holepunched through. I tell the parents I get the privilege of giving them their first baby gift!
I type up my birth notes in a timeline for the parents and suggest that they write their own recollections of the day as well. I also make lactation bites for the moms. Both those things have been very appreciated by the families 🙂
I give a onesie for the baby with my business logo on it and the words “a doula helped me out”. I get pictures of the babies in it for our website and social media.
I don’t have anything I do as a standard. When I feel a little extra pull to do something, I;ll give baby onesies that my sister has lovingly tie-dyed, honey from my sister’s bees, or something specific to the family and their interests. I had a family where the dad was a pilot. They were having a girl and I had a onesie made that said, “Daddy’s Co-pilot” but more geared toward a girl instead of a boy — which was all I could find online. I have done framed birth stats with the theme of the nursery, pp herb packs for soaking in the tub, and hand-made blankets as well.
I knit every baby a hat. the label on each hat has my business name. (I am only able to do this because I do not have a large number of clients where I am from (canada’s NORTH) – approx one birth per month)
I give a small tote that can double as a diaper bag, a water bottle and a onesie. All have my logo on them. I bought in bulk so each gift set costs less than $10.
I always give a gift; sometimes for the baby- if it’s a first- but mostly for mom so she can get some love and attention. High-end hand cream or a herbal soap/bath rinse. I always buy a batch of washcloths and have embroidered on them “Mazal tov”. I use it for her in transition and pushing stage and she can have that as a keepsake.