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Happy Nurses’ Week! Doulas Love Our Collaboration with You!
May 6th through 12th is National Nurses Week in the USA. As birth doulas know and research shows, nurses can make or break a client experience during their client’s labor and birth. While doulas and nurses have clear and distinct roles when there is a collaboration between them, everyone, especially the family benefits.

Meet Native American Midwife Nicolle Gonzales, Founder of Changing Woman Initiative and Celebrate Day of the Midwife
Long before birth moved into the hospital, in communities all across the globe, there have been women serving women in the role of midwife, traditional birth attendant and crone to care for people through pregnancy, birth and the postpartum period. The role of the...

Six Reasons Why You May Want a Postpartum Doula after Your Cesarean Birth
Cesarean Awareness Month April is Cesarean Awareness Month (CAM) and this month, many perinatal organizations are focusing on the impact cesarean birth has on parents and babies. In the USA, the current cesarean rate is just under 32%. While this rate has been slowly...

Meet Katherine Shea Barrett – The New Executive Director of March for Moms
Introduction to March for Moms March for Moms (MfM) is gearing up for their third annual event on the National Mall in Washington DC, to rally and raise awareness of maternal mortality and morbidity in the United States in the childbearing year. On Saturday, May 11th,...

Five Reasons You May Want a Birth Doula During Your Cesarean Birth
Cesarean Awareness Month April is Cesarean Awareness Month (CAM) and this month, many perinatal organizations are focusing on the impact cesarean birth has on parents and babies. In the USA, the current cesarean rate is just under 32%. While this rate has been slowly...

Take Action for Black Maternal Health Week: Six Things You Can Do Now
By Sharon Muza, CD/BDT(DONA), LCCE, FACCE, CLE Introduction to Black Maternal Health Week April is Minority Health Month in the United States. Minority Health Month is a “month-long initiative to advance health equity across the country on behalf of all racial and...